KAREN PULFER FOCHT -Photojournalist

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Sunflowers and Butterflies Sure Make Me Happy

Sunflowers and Butterflies, Agricenter, Memphis, Tennessee

Every year the Agricenter plants sunflowers along Germantown Parkway and Walnut Grove Rd. in Memphis, Tennessee. They bloom towards the end of August.

 They ask  you not to pick the flowers, as tempting as it may be, they do however encourage picture taking. Once the blooms have faded, they plow under the stalks and seed to serve as forage for some of the wildlife that lives on or comes to visit the property.

 The Agricenter is also near the Wolf River Greenway and there are beautiful bike trails near the sunflowers and on the Greenway and through out Shelby Farms.


 The sunflower is the national flower of Russia. (Maybe because it is so gray?)

 The sunflower is also called "the flower of life” because its seeds are packed with vitamins and nutrients.