Each Tuesday the Memphis Ukulele Flash Mob meets at Central BBQ on Summer Ave. in Memphis . The weekly sing along is led by Pete McCarty (AKA Petey Mack) About 100 people of all ages show up with ukuleles and kazoos in hand to play and sing together. The all volunteer Memphis Ukulele Flash Mob also plays on occasion for the elderly, for sick children and even at some area Farmers Markets and festivals.
Memphis has a very rich music history and is the perfect place to hold a ukulele festival.
It was recently announced that the Memphis Uke-N-Roll Jamboree, a ukulele festival in Memphis, is being planned for April 23-26 2020. Save the date, more information is coming. YA’LL COME- https://memphisukenroll.com/
You’ve never been to a ukulele festival? Well click the VIDEO ABOVE to get an idea of what goes on. This video is from the Brown County Ukulele Festival in Brown County Indiana.
For more on the Memphis Ukulele Flash Mob see
Frommer’s recently named Memphis a must see detination https://www.frommers.com/destinations/memphis
National Geographic named Memphis one of the top destinations in the world. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/destinations/north-america/united-states/tennessee/memphis/